Saturday, July 5, 2008

me@semarang.indonesia places to go!

hi guys.. guess where i've been visiting during my weekends here in Semarang? Sam Po Kong temple... the website! hahaha.. it's so boring here the only place i've been to is the website.. and that's all they have here... shite! Photo compliments from


Actually, this was suppose to be posted way before me@semarang.indonesia. Guess it's not all just work work and work... sometimes we take a little time off to enjoy with someone special. Thanks for coming over dear... i had a great time :)


Interesting fact: Pak Arifin said that Semarang is actually 3meters below sea level. Time to proof this fact. I'm getting out my trusted old GPS and me E65 to see if it's actually true. How bored am I?