Monday, October 1, 2007

Some words from my Grandpa... his 8 children, 8 children in-law, 18 grandchildren, 4 grandchildren in-law and 2 great grandchildren!

When I am Old

When I am old and no longer the one I used to be,
Please understand and be patient with me.

When I spill food on my clothes,
When I forget how to tie my shoes,
Please remember how I had once held your hands and taught you.

When I repeat over and over again words that bored you stiff,
Please be patient and listen and do not cut me off.
When you were little, I had to tell you the same story that had been told
thousands of time until you drifted to sleep.

When I need you to help me take a bath,
Please don't get mad at me.
Do you remember how many ways I had to think in order to coax you
into taking a bath when you were young?

When I am at a loss with new technology,Please don't laugh at me
Just think about how I had patiently answered your every
"Why is that so?"

When my legs are tired and I am too frail to walk,
Please extend your youthful and strong hands to hold me,
Just like the way I had held you when you learned how to walk.

When I forget the subject of our conversation,
Please give me a little time to recall,
Actually, what we discuss is not important,
I am happy.

When you see me grow old, don't be sad.
Understand me,
Support me,
Just like the way I treated you when you began to learn how to live.

I had led you to the path of living but now
please accompany me to walk through life's last journey.
Give me your love and patience and I will return with an appreciative smile;
and in this smile is all the boundless love I have for you.

Translated from a Mexican Magazine, November issue 2004
re-typed by Suzie Ong on 29 September 2007

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Hey, Weng! You forgot about your grandpa's sons and daughters-in-law!!