Sunday, May 25, 2008

Finally.. Land of a thousand gods!

Finally after 3 MONTHS working in Indonesia, i've made it to Bali... yea! Found a valid reason to justify my trip here... Haha. It's just my 4th day and i've been able to check out some tourist spots over the weekend. Kuta, muzeums, and eating places. I've also added some photos in my Facebook. Do check them out when you have the time and click the image above for a better view :)

Where I've been wondering...

red: flights, blue:planned trip, green: by car.
map: compliments of MapPoint.

It's been 3 months since i've started my work as Quality Manager for the telco project here in Indonesia. I have to say that i'm pretty glad to be given the opportunity to travel around and living off my "briefcase". Unfortunately, i've been pretty busy and haven't been updating my blog. Please feel free to add me in Facebook. :)