You know what they say, "The first impression always lasts"... well, in this case, the infamous traffic here is the lasting impression. I guess i'm just not used to it yet.
Attached is the first every Jeepney that i've ever seen. You can actually fit at least 18 grown ups in there. And it even has it's own route and stops. There are so many of them over here. Kinda like the notorious Bus Mini which was running around KL last time. They just stops and go as they please. Haven't seen any of them speeding though. Maybe because it's always jammed up here in Manila!
Been taking photos of every single odd thing that i see. Typical first timer and i definately pass as a tourist. It took more than an hour which feels like an eternity for me to reach the office which is still in town. Level 10 of Robinson Galleria or also known as GCC.